So, I started my day the way I usually do, by reading the Daily Beast Cheat Sheet. Along with the headlines about the Derek Chauvin trial, the killing of Daunte Wright and Adam Toledo, the Cheat Sheet had two pieces that would break my heart if they didn’t make me so angry.
The first is about the case of Dylan Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who went to Kenosha, Wisconsin to “protect businesses.” He shot three people. Two died. New data has come out that some of the donations he has received came from police officers who wrote, “You’ve done nothing wrong.” As if we need more evidence of white privilege. Dear white America; feel free to shoot anyone you think is doing something wrong, we’ve got you. Dear POC in America; you aren’t safe anywhere, at any time. That’s the take-home message I got from this.
The other story is about the cop who shot Adam Toledo, a 13-year-old child who had nothing in his hands when he was murdered. The cop’s lawyer issued a statement about the situation in which he laments the fact that “no one has asked about his well being.”
“What is amazing and disheartening is that very few have asked about the welfare of the officer. Specifically there is very little interest in the wellbeing of the officer and the impact experienced by the officer who was required to use deadly force in the line of duty. The officer involved has served his country and his city with honor and deserves our support.”
Well, we know one thing about the cop’s well-being. We know he is alive, which is not something we can say about the child he murdered.
At what point will the police get that they are not the law? They do not have the right to kill anyone. More and more it seems they approach every situation like it is life-ending.
I don’t know what the answer is but this I am sick of waking up to more news of more black and brown people being killed for no reason. I am sick of waking up to more mass shootings.