Another Life Hack from Alyson: Ways to use lemon juice around the house

Sweet, sugary Brach's lemon drops. Made with r...

Sweet, sugary Brach’s lemon drops. Made with real lemon juice! (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ok, I originally drafted this for a client but they didn’t use it so maybe some of these tips can help you. I personally think lemon juice is amazing.

Get rid of nasty, baked on grime in your microwave with water and lemon juice. Put a cup of water with a half a cup of lemon juice in a bowl. Microwave this on high for 30 seconds. Remove the bowl (be careful, it will be hot) and wipe down the inside of your microwave with a clean and damp cloth. Your microwave oven will sparkle and smell great.

Keep a lemon with salt in your refrigerator. Cut a lemon in half and remove the flesh. Fill the empty space with salt. Place in the back of your refrigerator to keep it smelling nice and fresh.

Mix lemon juice, water and white vinegar to make a great surface cleaner. Mix one part water with one part vinegar and then as much lemon juice as you want. This is a safe and chemical free cleaner that you can use to cut through dirt and grime all over your home. The combination of white vinegar and lemon juice can be a powerful cleaner for dishes. The grease won’t stand a chance with this mixture.

Polish wood with olive oil and lemon juice. Mix the juice from one lemon and about a quarter cup of olive oil. This can be used on your wooden floors and furniture to get the shine and clean look you want without using harsh chemicals.

Please let me know what you think.  Thanks!

Curry Carrot Soup

This is my favorite thing to cook.





Curry powder

Other veggies

(optional: sour cream, hot sauce)

If I am going all in, this is what I do…  I sauté some onions in olive oil.  I boil a bunch of carrots (and potatoes, zucchini, whatever similar veggies that appeal to me that day) with bullion until they are tender.  Then I add some of the onions (not all) and blend they are tender — basically a mush.  I put this back in a pot and add the rest of the onions, curry (to taste) and heat.  I serve with Morningstar Farms crumbles, sour cream and hot sauce.  My personal favorite is Pete’s but it works with any.

And now you have what I eat all the time.  PS.  I have lost more than 20 lbs by eating this a lot…  This can be vegan if you want that.  The Morningstar Farms stuff has gluten (I think it needs protein but tofu would also work).  Every Sunday I make a big batch and use it as a base for what I eat for lunch for the week.  I have to admit that I hate eating but this is the one recipe that I like.

Sometimes I do a trimmed down version where I just boil some carrots in soup and add the curry.