There are some people who think this ad by John McCain compares Barack Obama to the antichrist. Personally I don’t see this connection but apparently that is because I have not read the Christian series on life after the apocalypse, “Left Behind.”
From the Wall Street Journal:
“The spot, called "The One," opens with the line: "It shall be known that in 2008 the world will be blessed." Images follow of Moses parting the Red Sea and Sen. Obama telling a crowd, "We are the change we've been waiting for."
The McCain called the ad ‘lighthearted,’ I call it nauseating. Even without the link to evil, it is truly annoying. What’s worse, intellectually I know that it speaks to a number of people. So, if I am correct, the McCain people are playing up the fact that Obama makes very broad statements during speeches, as if he invented the platitude. Whatever. Wake me up when November ends.
It does and you dont have to read "Left Behind" to see it. That ads disgusting and vulgar, i knew McCain was a creep but i didnt realize just how very much of a creep he was until now. I hope that ad backfires in his face. Some people wonder why so many now days ridicule religious beliefs, its because we let jerks like McCain twist and warp to suit their own diabolical purposes. Its obvious by that very ad that Christian beliefs to him are nothing more then a doormat to wipe his feet on.