
So, I watched “Q: Into the Storm

My experience with Q is far from unique. I first learned about the whole thing from someone I know on Long Island. When my father died, I was in Florida and could not move back to New York right away. Someone I know from high school moved into my dad’s house to keep an eye on things.

Now, high school was a long time ago and I am not sure, we’ll call this person “Matt,” if he was into conspiracies then. I knew Matt was big-time into them now. He had told me about his views as a “truther.” That’s someone who thinks 9/11 was an inside job. Just watch the video, he would say. I tried to tell him that I can make videos that look like a kitten destroyed the Twin Towers but that meant nothing. One year, I put out an image of David Duchovny with my cat on his lap. Never mind that in his photo, he was outside in the woods, but several people asked, “How did you get a photo of David Duchovny with your cat?”

Fast forward to 2019. I moved back to Stony Brook. Matt was full-on into conspiracies. First, he was a vegetarian because “you don’t get life from death.” (Actually, that IS the cycle of life.) Then he thought vegetarians were part of a satanic cabal and anyone who is vegetarian is evil. He tried, and tried and failed to get me to try MMS. If you don’t know what that is, it is chlorine dioxide. Promoted by charlatan Jim Humble, MMS is sold as sodium chlorite, which people may confuse with sodium chloride (table salt) and said to be a wonder substance that can cure AIDS, malaria, Autism and just about everything else. When taken with an acid, which he sells (never mind that your stomach is full of acid) it turns into chlorine dioxide AKA industrial bleach.

So, Matt was drinking that every day and that is when he told me about something else. A cabal of lizard creatures from outer-space who worshipped Satan and were both pedophiles AND cannibals who ate children controlled the media, the government and big business (when we talked about the government and large corporations, Matt said, “They’re the same to me.”) It was all going to be brought down by someone named “Q.”

Matt didn’t go down to the rally on January 6th but I think that is just because he thought it was a waste of time, not because he didn’t support the rioters.

The HBO documentary seemed to indicate Q is one person, Ron Watkins. I find all of this fascinating but think Q is more than one person. I am sure Watkins is one of them. I do wonder why these theories are so appealing. Why do people want to think that Bill Gates is using the Covid vaccine to track us? Why do people think “pizza” is a code word for “sex with kids”?

If you know, please let me know.

Interested in what I’ve been doing? Check this out.

27 years ago today, the Rwandan genocide began

Paul Rusesabagina with his daughters Carine and Anaise Kanimba

Twenty-seven years ago, one of the worst genocides since the Holocaust was perpetrated in Rwanda. Within a matter of weeks, at least 800,000 people were murdered.

Last year, Paul Rusesabagina was kidnapped and taken to Rwanda, where he was arrested. Today, as President Paul Kagame oversees reenactments of that horrible time, Rusesabagina sits in jail. He is on trial for a host of charges including terrorism and genocide denial. His real crime is criticizing Kagame.

I have been working with some other people to secure Rusesabagina’s release. If you are interested in helping, there are several ways to do that. Here are a few:

Some new articles have been released:

Here’s an older post I wrote on this.

How do you not see the double standard? Are you fucking kidding me?

Credit: Crisp County Sheriff’s Office. The current best example of the double standards in the American justice system.

Breonna Taylor was shot sleeping in her bed. Sandra Bland was taken to jail, where she died, for changing lanes without signaling. Tamir Rice was shot for playing with a toy gun. He was 12 years old. I could go on. And on. And on. The double standard can be found everywhere.

Robert Aaron Long shot and killed eight people and how do the police respond? If he was black, he’d probably be dead. He’s not. As a straight, white guy, he was arrested and taken to jail. Keep in mind, he was on his way to Florida to continue his killing spree.

After he was caught, the local Sheriff, and what I am guessing is all-around jackass, Captain Jay Baker remarked, “He was having a really bad day.” Eight people are dead but the killer was having a bad day. Are you fucking serious?

Last week, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Stupidtown-WI) said he wasn’t afraid of the rioters on January 6 because: “I knew those were people that love this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break the law, and so I wasn’t concerned.” In your world, it’s not illegal to kill police officers or destroy government property? Captain jackass went on to say that had those protesters been from #BlackLivesMatter, he would have felt differently. When asked about his clearly racist statements, he said that his comments weren’t “about race” and wrote in a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) op-ed that he “won’t be silenced by the Left.” (Note to Senator Johnson, the WSJ is one of the most read papers in the world, he always has the Senate floor and I am pretty sure FOX News will put him on any day of the week and twice on Sunday. No one wants to silence you. As someone who doesn’t like you, I want you to keep talking. You make my point better than I ever can.

Black people are killed by police eating ice cream (Botham Jean), for breaking tax law (Eric Garner) or getting out his wallet (Amadou Diallo). When white people commit heinous crimes they are allowed to just walk away (Kyle Rittenhouse), brought food outside restaurants (Dylan Roof) or have the sheriff talk about their mental state (Robert Aaron Long). In the most recent case, police say that Long didn’t have a racial motive. Why? Because he told them he didn’t!

Tell me again that white privilege doesn’t exist. All this makes me miss talking about Qanon.

Another day, another chance to make a difference

This is a cat butt. You know you love it.

How will I make a difference today?

Every evening I died, and every evening I was born again, resurrected.

The Narrator, Fight Club

I think any day that starts with a quote from Fight Club has a good chance of being a good day. Since I have committed myself to write every day, I thought I should put up a blog post every day. Then I can be held accountable by more than myself. Because that works so well.

Every day we are given a new chance to make a difference for someone else. I cannot guarantee that I will but I can at least try. Today I am going to write about genocide prevention. This will include a post and an op-ed. I am working on getting localities around the nation to pass ordinances against genocide. It sometimes feels like that opposition to such a thing should be the default setting but it isn’t. When the Allies discovered the concentration camps throughout Europe after WWII, they promised, “Never Again.” That is a promise we have yet to fulfill.

Stony Brook is a lovely place to change the world

As I sit here in Stony Book, one person who took that promise seriously sits in jail in Kigali. Yes, I am talking about Paul Rusesabagina. His “trial” started this week. No one expects it will be fair. I just wish Don Cheadle would speak up. I mean he is in a very unique position here. I wish he would speak up, sign and share this petition.

Off I go to make a difference in the world…

For more uplifting reading, you might want to check out This is how genocide starts. I wrote that about Donald Trump. I thought I was being overly pessimistic. Well, the world has caught up with me and Genocide Watch put up a piece about the “big lie” (that the election was stolen) and compared it to the stages of genocide. My piece was ahead of its time.